Conference Emcee: More Than “Just A” Host

Conference Emcee: More Than “Just A” Host

In the realm of corporate events, the role of a host is often underestimated. Yet, the title of Conference Emcee is a mantle that carries the weight of superior performance and professional support. This is NOT your neighborhood DJ guiding an event from one segment to...

Why a Conference Emcee Should Extend Your Brand

Separating A Good Conference Emcee from a Bad Looking for a critical success factor of prominent and highly successful events? It’s your ability to effectively engage attendees. Relate each content element back to the meeting design or goals. And of course have...
Meeting Professionals International Annual Awards

Meeting Professionals International Annual Awards

MPI: Congratulations and Thank YOU! What a treat! Not only did I get to attend the annual event, but I was asked to host! My goal as the professional emcee for this event was of course to give the attendees and awards winners a day to remember! Backed by a great...
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