How to create a powerful motivational speech

by Oct 9, 2014Guest Blog1 comment

“I found this and wanted to share. Some interesting points on how to create a powerful motivational speech.”


Do you have all the virtues that a keynote,funny, inspirational or motivational speaker possess? How confident are you? Anyway, aside from developing these virtues, you have to learn how to draft a speech.

Last minute preparation works for some but not for most, and it’s okay. If you’re more of the latter, here are some preparation tips for your first speaking engagement:


Identify your audience

Do you love surprises? Well, can you tolerate it especially on your debut speaking event? If you’re confident enough about your skills, then you can skip this one. For those who don’t, then take time to know your audience – age bracket, gender, profession, and position. Make sure to tailor your tone of voice depending on your audience.


Know your goal

What is the purpose of your speech? Is it to inspire, motivate, heal, or entertain? Having a target goal is the best way to organize your thoughts and make your speech smooth flowing. Though you can make it free flowing and natural-sounding, but if you’re not yet experienced, you might end up losing your thoughts along the way.


Be Honest

Say what you have to say, even if it might hurt their feelings. Keep in mind that you are there, speaking in front of a huge crowd to provide an inspiration, and enlightenment. That’s why preparation is important. So at least be aware of the prevailing situation; or if there’s any problem that needs to be settled, base your speech there. Be creative in giving advice. Though you have to appear persuasive and pushy, still think of nice way to deliver it without them noticing it.


Share your heart

It’s never easy to establish connection. You have to make your audience feel your sincerity, and that you can understand their situation (whatever it may be). To do this, you can share personal experience that they can relate to. If you can successfully make them feel your heart, the next thing you’ll know is that you already have touched theirs.


Preparation doesn’t and mustn’t limit the scope of your speech, rather just a way to organize your thoughts to make it poignant.

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