Leadership- What Works and What Doesn’t?

by Aug 24, 2016Keynote Speaker

With 2 million voluntary quits every month, overcoming leadership challenges remains one of the greatest problems for businesses in the U.S. While most leaders do not realize the connection between leadership and performance, a deeper understanding of how your leadership style can make a difference to the performance of your team or organization is indispensable to grow and excel.

Let’s talk about some best and worst leadership styles to help you address the particular needs of your organization more effectively.

Best Leadership Styles

Visionary Leadership

Visionary LeadershipCharismatic leaders are energetic and highly motivated individuals who instill excitement and enthusiasm among team members to inspire them and help them grow. Rather than dictating, a visionary leader shows a new direction and models excellence to urge team members to follow and achieve stellar results.

Visionary leaders believe in setting people free, and thus allow team members to experiment, innovate, and take calculated risks.

Coaching Leadership

A coaching leader focuses on refining the capabilities of others to make them more effective and stronger team members. These leaders help people develop competencies, improve their performance, and allow them to connect their personal goals with the goals of the organization. Besides helping businesses achieve their organizational goals, they help employees grow as professionals which creates a satisfied workforce leading to greater success overall.

Affiliative Leadership

Affiliative leaders emphasize the significance of association and teamwork by connecting people with each other. In order to create harmony, they build relationships and a sense of belonging among employees to help them grow as a team. This style of leadership works best when the team needs to rebuild trust or morale after a trauma.

Worst Leadership Styles

Coercive Leadership

A coercive leader demands immediate action, as directed. While coercive leadership may sometimes be effective, it should be avoided most of the time as it may estrange relationships, stifle flexibility, and suppress innovation and growth.

Passive-Aggressive Leadership

A passive leader is one who does not communicate honestly. They may appear nice and friendly on the outside, but give negative feedback about others behind their back. Due to their insecure nature, these leaders avoid sharing their expertise out of the fear of losing their position to someone else. As a result, they offer little or no help to help new employees with professional development or growth.

Dualistic-Thinking Leadership

Passive-Aggressive LeadershipDualistic-thinking leaders see things in black and white. Their restrictive way of thinking fails to create an open and collaborative environment. Besides this, their unconscious biases may limit their judgment, narrow their perspective and prevent them from seeing opportunities to help the organization grow.

A great leadership may take the team from getting the job done to delivering exceptional results. Develop leadership competences in your workforce through Jon Petz. With his engaging and entertaining keynote address, he can transfer the best of knowledge and expertise to your employees to help them grow and excel as great leaders. Call him at (614) 456-3072 to book a motivational speaking session at your workplace.

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