Halloween Lessons Even For Hailed Presenters & Planners

by Oct 28, 2015Stories from the road and stuff I make up

Who would have guessed that Halloween is the 2nd most celebrated holiday in the US, just behind Christmas? REALLY!? What possibly could have changed over the last 20 years to have it supersede even Thanksgiving and Easter?

What once was only for kids – now gets us all wrapped up in parties, decoration, pumpkin carving, special food and beverages and some of the most awesome costumes and creations you’ve ever seen. Having gone to the largest consistent Halloween party in the world for four years (Yep, Ohio University in Athens, Ohio) I still look forward to the big day and all the excitement.

So why the blog on Halloween, and what is it about Halloween that has more and more engaging into the spooky (or not) tradition? AND, what can we in the meeting and speaking biz learn from it? Here are some things I noticed, and hopefully you use the simple and effective perspective in what you do.

The Halloween Playbook for Meeting Planners & Professional Speakers

Everyone can play. Kids to adults!

Whether it is dressing up and going around the neighborhood begging for candy, handing out goodies or dressing up to go to a party, pretty much everyone is touched in some form or fashion by Halloween.

What about your meeting? Is everyone involved in the meeting someway – whether it is to introduce the speaker, act as the stage manager, volunteer to help out or tweet about the event. The more people you can involve in a value-added way, the greater engagement. Make sure you have proper channels for volunteers to get info and be involved at their level of choosing.

Everyone dresses up and prizes are given away.

Costumes are rampant and if you show up without one, you might be sent home to find one.  In addition, usually a great prize is given to the best costume and individuals wait with baited breath to see if they won. Some people spend a lot of time creating or shopping for just the right costume – they want to win that prize and be recognized as the best.

What about your meeting? Would it be possible for individuals to sport a common t-shirt and go work on a community project? Or can there be some sort of contest – maybe not for best dressed – but perhaps the for the team that came up with the best ideas to solve a current corporate challenge or the team that raised the most money for a particular cause. Individuals will step outside of their comfort zone — even at conferences — but you need to show them the way.

Everyone knows the theme/day/time.

Children and adults alike look forward to Halloween and start the celebratory process in late September/early October. The colors are black and orange, the day is always October 31st and the idea is to dress up in something fun, scary or crazy. You get rolling around sunset, (Of course your local neighborhood will probably set a time) and if anything like me, always ran (not walked) at least to the first dozen or so houses.

What about your meeting? Do you have a theme and is the motivational speaker weaved into it? Do you hold your conference the same date or day every year and is it always a two-day event? If someone doesn’t know much about your organization, can they get the theme, the overview, or the gist of the conference by visiting your website?

Everyone looks forward to it and has fun.

Even if you are not a huge Halloween buff, you can’t help but smile when little children come to your door and yell “Trick or Treat”! It gives you an opportunity to briefly visit with your neighbors and share with them your treats. It is fun! I LOVE walking with my kids around and the adult socializing that occurs.

What about your meeting? Do your attendees look forward to it? Is it fun? Have you hired engaging speakers that will help people want to belong, engage, connect and learn?

Jon Petz Loves Halloween’s Lessons

What can you expect when Jon Petz takes the stage? Huge humor. Engaged audiences. Exponential energy. Empowered messages. Give Jon a call at (614) 456-3072 to speak to him directly and find out how he practices the power of Halloween all year long!

May you and your family have the best Halloween celebration ever!

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