“Duker”, a 21 year old student, came up to me after I presented a closing keynote for a national association today. He was there representing his fathers software company.
Thankfully, he was very complimentary and I appreciate the #ExceededMyExpectations tweet 🙂
He asked me a question that caught me off guard – and I love these types of questions. Â He asked:
“Knowing what I know now – what would I tell the 21 year old me?”
Huh?  What would I tell myself?
I had thoughts streaming through my head of dumb stuff I’ve done . . . don’t let your friends spray silly string on your wife at the wedding, SELL all your Worldcom stock – it really isn’t coming back, watch that hurdle coming off of the 300 meter mark . . .Â
I only shared one thing with Duker, that I would encourage of everyone. That being; don’t be afraid to experience life. Take action. Don’t sit back and watch life pass you by. Â This means:
- Trying things that may scare you
- Failing (several times over sometimes)
- Get up and going when others refrain
- Good things may come to those who wait, but the better things have already been taken by those who took action and got them.
- Sometimes, even if you’re not sure what to do, you simply need to do something and move the ball forward.
Because of this simple thought, I’m thankful to live a life that some may dream about. I’m not talking about financial luxuries, but I am talking life luxuries, like being passionate and excited about what you do. The opportunity of expanding existing ideas and creating new ones. The dream of choosing to spend time with my family when I want as I control my own schedule. The luxury currently of ‘no regrets’, or I wonder if I would have . . . ?
As I fly along, I think further about the question and how I might answer now. Â “Knowing what you know now – What would I tell the 21 year old me?”
I think I would tell myself to:
- Laugh more
- See the best in people – even if they don’t see it in themselves – and help them bring that out
- Ask for help more
- Get involved within your community or a charity earlier in life. You don’t have to wait until you have money to donate – you only need to give of yourself
- Don’t be afraid to fail. People may laugh, you may cry – but it builds character
- Do SOMETHING. You can’t sit there and whine about it (even though others will)
- And of course – be bold! Â No One Remembers Boring!
 Thanks for the question Duker, it was great to meet you. You too, exceeded my expectations as a 21 year old.
So, What would YOU tell YOUR 21 year old self?
(Oh – BTW Jon, might want to sell those rental properties in Arizona PRIOR to 2005. . . trust me on this one.)